Social responsability
As a company we support vulnerable communities. For this reason, we make donations to human settlements and to the localities closest to the fruit associations we work with. We promote and participate in charitable activities in favor of the community.
09 / 2021 - Lima
In collaboration with
Asikunata Ruwastin
We work hand in hand with Asikunata Ruwastin bringing support and smiles to common pots and human settlements.
12 / 2021 - Lima
In collaboration with
Asikunata Ruwastin
We strengthen our ties with the fruit producing associations with which we work by carrying out social activities and creating ties with the family.
12 / 2021 - Piura
Sk family with town families
Piura is one of our harvest centers and we are grateful to be able to work in its fields; for this reason, we decided to dedicate time and resources to the families that live in the surroundings of our fields.
12 / 2022 - Tambogrande
SK with Cooperativa
Agraria Campo Vida
Asociación de agricultores Campo Vida and SK Organics Fruits join together to give local families a Merry Christmas.